Reboot: A free online workshop for educators

Reboot: Inquiry-based tools to help educators reconnect, rejuvenate, and rethink the school year ahead

Schooling during the global pandemic left educators facing challenge after challenge—but also finding new ways to meet and rise above many of those challenges for the benefit of students, families, colleagues, and schools. As many educators begin the 2021 school year, it will be more important than ever to reconnect as people and professionals, to rejuvenate for the work ahead, and to rethink the coming school year in light of all that has been experienced and learned amid the COVID-19 crisis. This 90-minute workshop with Project Zero researchers aims to help teachers, school leaders, and others connect with each other to process and reflect on these experiences and to surface key challenges and opportunities for rethinking what school means in this unique time. Participants will try out research-based professional development tools from a new book.

We’ve now finished all offerings of the Reboot workshops. To be informed about future events, please sign up for our mailing list below.


5 Ways Educators Can Start Innovating: new piece from Usable Knowledge


The Book is Out!